Thursday 7 September 2017

Five subtle symptoms of cancer in women

It is a normal day until you start experiencing uneasiness and discomfort in your body. You visit your doctor, run a few tests, and then sit in the waiting room. A wait that might feel like an eternity, only to have the doctor come out and say the dreaded six-letter word. CANCER. It is one such disease that everyone fears. Many instinctively go on to blame their genetics or family history. However, there are many cases in which you, yourself are more to blame than your genes.

Talking about the disease is considered unpleasant and very often due to this negligent attitude, we lay ourselves prey to it. One highly neglected area is cancer in women.  Since women’s bodies go through various changes on a daily basis it is easy to oversee some serious cancer symptoms. If you are someone who is suffering from cancer symptoms and are in search of a good doctor, you can find some of the best oncologists in Hyderabad. In case you are unaware of some of the subtle symptoms of cancer, here is a list:

• Breast changes – Most breast changes do not imply breast cancer. However, it is important to get them checked with your doctors. Changes such as skin dimpling, nipple discharge, scaling or redness.
• Bloating –This is not out of the ordinary for women. However, bloating that is consistent over a period of time can be indicative of ovarian cancer. If you feel full, even though your appetite is small, that is another sign of ovarian cancer.

• Bleeding – Bleeding when it is not your time of the month can be a cause for concern. If you are bleeding in between your menstrual cycle, it is best to consult your doctor right away. Although there could be various reasons for this bleeding it is better to rule out endometrial cancer. Post-menopausal bleeding is never normal and a cause for alarm.

• Swallowing – If you are experiencing trouble swallowing, or have a persistent cough over a few weeks’ time, you should consult your oncologist. Although cough and swallowing can be minor signs, they are indicative of lung and stomach cancer.

• Excessive weight loss – although in most scenarios it is considered to be a good thing, excessive loss of weight that cannot be explained can be dangerous. Such sudden drop of kilograms from the scale and reduction in your appetite can indicate pancreatic, liver and colon cancer, but mostly it is a symptom of leukemia and lymphoma.

Cancer is not a disease that can be neglected. However, if you keep your habits and lifestyle in check, it is easily avoidable. With medicinal advancements, most cancers are also treatable, provided they are detected at an early stage.